All posts by Willoughby Town Centre

New Dentist Joins the Willoughby Town Centre Dental Team

Willoughby Town Centre Dental would like to welcome Dr. Jeongyeo Park to their team!


Dr. Park is a graduate of Melbourne Dental School. He believes that your perfect dental experience starts with great communication, and time spent together to fully understand your concerns and treatment required. Dr. Park is fluent in both English and Korean.

Visit the website or call today at 604-371-4322 to book your appointment.

Willoughby Town Centre Parking Update

As you may have noticed, the existing parking signs have been removed and will be replaced with new signage to reflect the new parking rules.

You will also see a new Pay Station has been added to the parking lot beside the Royal Bank.

Actual enforcement will begin effective June 10th, 2019.

PLEASE NOTE: that the First THREE Hours are FREE and guests DO NOT have to register.

Plant-Based Eating Nutrition Workshop

Have you or someone in your life recently adopted a vegetarian or vegan diet?

Hakam’s Your Independent Grocer is pleased to offer a

Plant-Based Eating Nutrition Workshop

Wednesday, June 19 5-6pm
Hakam’s Your Independent Grocer
Cost: $20

If you are trying to figure out how to cook meatless meals let Hakam’s  in-store dietitian Whitney, reduce your stress and join her for this hands-on nutrition tour & taste!

Plant-Based EatingWalk the aisles to discover healthy alternatives and finish off with a little bit of tasting. You will also receive resources to take home with you. This workshop involves light walking and spots are limited!

Register today with your in-store dietitian:
Whitney Hussain, RD, CNSC

Email or call: 604-347-6028